Module/Blog 4 Assignment: Public Art
Throughout time and the ever-evolving world with many cultures or organizations. With much diversity of ideas and creations, there is a lot of art from the world's many cultures. Some art depicted from Southern Asia around 150 AD was found in Italy/Rome. That sculpture (since painting and modern art we see today didn’t exist) was the Mithraic Relief with Bull from the possible Mithraism people, who worshiped this god of the rising sun. This sculpture shows a bull's sacrifice to the ones above (on the left). Sacrificing an animal, such as a bull, goat, calf (depending on the religion/or sacrifice), shows devotion to the god they are sacrificing this animal too. It can be for forgiveness, to stop famine during the winter, and more. Many people who lived this way did it for their families and people, to plead to god to not have the plague or to cure someone sick like a friend or loved one. If someone were to cause hardship, crime, or kill someone, they would sacrifice animals for redemption from their god(s) to atone for their sins.
Nowadays, this sort of thing is not practiced much at all, especially not in the United States; animal harm is illegal due to protection laws placed on them. Over time and with different thoughts and religions have changed ways of finding help, forgiveness, help, and such to help their problems besides sacrifices to their gods. Most people who seek forgiveness from their god attend church to pray and attempt to do good for themselves to have a better chance of being in heaven upon death. When it comes to problems with food and such during modern times, we look to our government and the companies that operate all food processing going forward for food. It is fascinating how times have changed, how government helps control us more than our religions once did, and how this relief/sculpture captured being sacrificed to reach their god(s). It shows how much has changed, evolved, and is covered with time. How different would things be if those foreign and older religions still lived and prospered today? Would they have adapted to the times like we have?
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